If you are new to homeopathy, welcome to the world of gentle, effective medicine. The elegance and precision of homeopathy has made it my favorite method of treating ill and injured animals.
Dr Samuel Hahnemann, who developed homeopathy, found a way to enhance recovery from disease by using the body's own natural processes. Homeopathic treatment never opposes or blocks symptoms but only works with the natural healing mechanism the body already has going.
What is Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a form of energy medicine, where the energy of the remedy is used to displace from the body the similar energy of the disease. It is a logical, straightforward, and deeply satisfying approach to healing.
Homeopathy has taught me that I can help my patients much more reliably and permanently than I ever had in allopathic practice. Our current allopathic reductionist paradigm in medicine ignores the fascinating complexity of the body, but homeopathy addresses the whole animal.